Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Funnies

(Thanks Michi for sharing this one) The top 10 best obnoxious responses to misspellings on Facebook.

I do wonder what Miss Manners would say about publicly shaming someone for a misspelling. She'd probably think it very rude. I recall someone once asked Miss M whether it would be OK to nicely suggest to a stranger in a public restroom that they help the environment by taking fewer than 15 paper towels to dry their hands. Her advice was that Tree Hugger in Virginia should keep her trap shut.

Personally, I don't publicly shame people for spelling mistakes. People have all kinds of different abilities in this life and spelling may or may not be one of them. Unless I'm being paid to proofread, I don't really give a damn about pointing out a mistake (though I may snicker privately to myself).

Unless, of course, it's a mistake so humorous that I can't help myself. Consider yourself warned.

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