Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Year in Review

OK, so it's not an entire year in review, since I just started this blog in late September. But, in this busy time of year, it's always nice to take a moment to reflect.

I had my doubts when I started this blog. The usual fear-of-failure stuff. Will I come up with enough ideas of things to write about? Will I have the discipline to keep it going? Will I write often enough for the digital age (heaven forbid mine be one of those sad blogs that you visit and it hasn't been updated in several months)? Will anybody read the damn thing, or will it sit there like rotting crops in a field?

Happily, I've found myself with no shortage of ideas and news to write about. My only block is a shortage of free time. My self-discipline is better than I expected it to be (historically, it has not been my forte). And some people are actually reading it! Hooray!

The experience of blogging has been both enjoyable and instructive. It's made me recall how much I love to write. It's given me a new format to explore and try to get good at. And it's reminded me how discipline is absolutely key. Sometimes you have to sit down and write, even if you're not on fire with a great idea or aren't in the mood. Once you make yourself do it, the words flow.

It's been a good time. Happy holidays, and thanks for reading! See you in 2011.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

LinkedIn's List of Resume Cliches

LinkedIn recently published a Top 10 list of overused buzzwords in the resumes and professional profiles posted on its website. They are:
  1. Extensive experience
  2. Innovative
  3. Motivated
  4. Results-oriented
  5. Dynamic
  6. Proven track record
  7. Team player
  8. Fast-paced
  9. Problem solver
  10. Entrepreneurial
What do you think of this list?

Editor that I am, I immediately checked my own resume for these culprits. I don't have any of them, except the word "experience" as a section header. My LinkedIn profile doesn't have any either. I'm sort of surprised to see that.

Which Came First?

While I find this list of buzzwords amusing, I think this is not about job seekers being appallingly uncreative. Job ads contain those exact same buzzwords in abundance! Who can blame a job seeker for using the same phrases that are in the ads for their desired jobs? If they want the job, they have to talk the talk. If the employer likes these phrases, the employee thinks, then maybe they will like my resume/profile/cover letter if I use these phrases too.

So I think this is a "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" issue. It's not fair to lay all the blame on the job seekers, LinkedIn. Where's your criticism of HR departments and corporate communications drones?

Are Cliches Evil?

Cliche is an interesting concept in writing. Back in high school, I took a creative writing class. I remember my teacher, Mr. Armstrong, hammering home the point that cliches were sinful and to be avoided in quality writing. And he was right. Exceptional writing creates original concepts and phrases, rather than relying on the creations of other writers.

LinkedIn seems to agree. In its article, it says: "With the national unemployment rate well over 9 percent, you might want to consider eradicating these phrases from your own professional documents and profiles next time you’re trying to impress an employer."

I take a live-and-let-live attitude toward cliches. Sure, they're never going to win any awards for creativity. But for every cliche, there's a reason it became so popular. Usually it's because it was an excellent way to phrase a particular concept, and so many people agreed that they used the phrase ad nauseum. It's like when a band writes a great song, and everybody loves it, so every radio station plays it all day long, and suddenly you hate it and start avoiding it.

If a phrase became popular because it was an excellent way to phrase something, then part of me has a hard time rejecting it just because it's popular. I value succinctness, conciseness, and elegant turns of phrase as well as creativity.

I'm sure I have used cliches in business writing and other types of writing. I try not to, but sometimes it happens, especially when you're writing on deadline. There's a big difference between creative writing and bang-it-out-quickly, get-'er-done writing.

When I write creatively, however, I actively try to avoid cliches, taking the word creative literally. Creative writing is a writer's place to shine, to channel that voice that is truly your own, to make something entirely original that you can be proud of. Mr. Armstrong, you taught me well.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Freelancers Go Through to Get Paid

In an ideal world, freelancers wouldn't have to fight to get paid. But this is far from an ideal world.

New York Times commentator Elizabeth Dwoskin describes this fight explicitly in her article "Begging for Your Pay," published yesterday. Read it here.

Damn It, Jim, I'm A Writer, Not a Debt Collector

Fighting to get paid, unfortunately, is familiar to every freelancer I have ever met. I have only freelanced off and on, with a few months doing it full-time. But when I did, I learned what I needed to know, and fast.

Here's what I learned. It's a rare company that pays a freelancer quickly. Most of them wait until the end date of your invoice before they even think about cutting you a check. In other words, if your invoice says Net 30 Days, you'll most likely be calling them on day 31, and several more times too, before you actually get paid.

Full-time freelancers, I applaud you. Personally, I could never make ends meet when I was constantly chasing after my invoices. It's hard to stay on top of your bills when you have no earthly clue when your paycheck is coming. I'd love to know how you do it, full-timers. Presumably you have excellent clients who pay quickly, a good lawyer, a fat savings account, a spouse as backup, an hourly rate so high that you can wait a while between checks, or all of the above.

The Battle Can Get Ugly

Some companies seem to feel like they can pay you whenever -- and in whatever amount(s) -- they feel like paying you, or not pay you at all. I took one company to small claims court because they decided they wanted to pay me a sum equal to one-fifth of our agreed-upon amount. Luckily, I had it in writing.

Basically, for freelancers, it comes down to this. To the company, you are not a person. You are a vendor. You are a faceless entity who delivers goods/services and sends invoices. Sure, somebody at the company knows you personally, perhaps has even met you face to face. That person may even care about whether you can pay your rent on time. But it's unlikely that that person works in Accounts Payable or has any sway over the people who do.

The whole thing reminds me of that documentary, The Corporation. Have you seen it? It explains how, in terms of behavior, corporations are psychopaths. In other words, they have no sympathy whatsoever. Which is why it's totally ineffective when freelancers beg and say things like, "I need to pay my bills." The company doesn't care. It only cares about not paying you if there will be consequences. Like getting taken to court.

It's not personal. It's not like the company hates you or wants your credit score to go down the toilet. It's just how companies behave toward vendors. I worked for one company whose accounting department routinely paid vendors' invoices very late, usually because it was waiting on money from its clients.

But Is It Legal?

No federal laws explicitly protect freelancers or provide guidelines for how frequently they should be paid. To the feds, you, the self-employed person, are not a person per se -- you are a business. Businesses don't have the same rights as people.

Some states do have protections. Dwoskin mentions a bill pending in Albany that would enable the cases of independent contractors to be investigated by the state Department of Labor. Organizations such as the Freelancers' Union advocate for more protections.

If you are starting out as a freelancer, I highly recommend researching the labor laws in your state. See what they have to say about freelancers, independent contractors, and self-employment. You may have more (or fewer) rights than you think.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Do You Write Christmas/Holiday Cards?

Around this time each year, my husband and I write and send several dozen holiday cards. But I wonder whether this practice is going the way of the dodo in these modern times.

A Family Tradition?

My mom used to (and, I think, still does) write Christmas cards to a long list of family members and old friends. When I say “write,” I mean that she hand-wrote a personal note to each recipient about the season, the year’s events, etc. Some of these notes were longer, some shorter, depending on who it was. Point is, she took the time. And it took lots of time.

People sent Mom cards, too, from all over the country. We would tape them up on the walls. By the time Christmas rolled around, the walls were covered in cards, a colorful mosaic of photos and pictures.

Sometime after I graduated from college and was living on my own, I felt like I should send my own Christmas cards. So I did. Some friends sent me cards back, and others never did. It was clear that some of my friends came from the same tradition that I grew up with.

I have noticed that it’s usually the woman of the household who writes the Christmas cards. My husband writes quite a few cards himself, but I think he’s an exception to the rule.

Christmas Cards Today

I so enjoy getting Christmas cards in the mail. For one thing, it’s rare nowadays to receive anything in your mailbox other than bills and junk mail. And I do tape them up on the walls to look at throughout the season. I enjoy seeing pictures of friends' children, too, especially the ones who don't post pictures of their kids on Facebook.

I haven’t seen a trend toward e-cards for the holidays, and I hope I never do. Festive? Ugh, I think not. They just can’t compare to a real paper card that you can hold and open with your hands.

Kids These Days…

Many people under 30 don’t even have e-mail accounts—they think e-mail is for old people. With all their phones and devices, it’s hard to imagine them sitting down to write a grocery list, much less a Christmas card.

What do you think? Will holiday-card writing ultimately go the way of the dinosaur? Do you write holiday cards? Do you get as many cards back as you send out? What trends have you seen?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Having an Editor as a Friend

Apparently, once you get to know me, it’s pretty obvious that I’m an editor and proofreader by nature. It’s true. I can’t help myself. An eye for errors is as inborn as eye color.

From time to time, friends will get self-conscious about this. As far back as middle school, I had one friend wondering aloud whether I was looking disparagingly at all the spelling errors in her notes. (Remember notes? Sort of an 80s precursor to text messages.)

So I figured I would set the record straight in case anybody thinks I think less of them because they can’t spell.

Don’t Hate Me for My Typos

Sometimes friends will ask me if their mistakes or typos bother me. Like, in an e-mail that they wrote, or a Facebook post.

Do I notice your mistakes? Yes. Do I care? Not really – it’s an e-mail, not a book or other professional piece (which should be held to higher standards because their publishers, presumably, employ editors).

Would I hold mistakes against a friend? Absolutely not. I firmly believe that editing and proofreading are innate skills. Some people are good at them, and others are not. Would I hate you because you are a lousy actor, or a mediocre cook? Of course not. Same with proofreading.

Hey, Friend, Will You Proofread My Thesis for Me?

I would be delighted to proofread your resume, Dear John letter, blog entry, writing sample, etc. It makes me happy to use my talents toward making a piece of writing better. Like a cook taking pleasure in making a great meal for someone.

However, a thesis or novel is too long to edit as a favor. Sorry. Even my husband would have to pay me for that.

The Spelling Error Poem

Back in middle school, one of my friends, who knew she wasn’t a good speller, wrote an entire poem poking fun at bad spellers. In the poem, almost every word was misspelled, creating some funny rhymes along the way. It was brilliant.

Pack rat that I am, I may have even saved this poem in a box somewhere. If I ever find it, I’ll post it here to give this friend the kudos she deserves.

What About You?

Are you an editor? How do your friends and family feel about it?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to Write Great Web Copy

People ask me about this topic a lot. Writing for the web can seem intimidating. But the basic principles of writing great web copy are very simple.

My Advice…

I’ve had two jobs as a web editor, and a third job working on an online educational product. In total, about 4 years of experience.

My bible of writing good web copy is Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Guide to Web Usability by Steve Krug. The book follows its own principle of not making you think too much. It is straight and to the point, easy to read, easy to understand. The dust jacket says the book was meant to be read through on a short airplane flight, and it can be. Actually, you can probably finish it faster if you focus on the parts you need (e.g., web copy instead of interface design).

Keep It Short and Sweet

Here is the main principle to keep in mind for web copy. People do not read web sites like they read books.

They skim. Their eyeballs flicker down the page, grabbing stand-out text. If a page goes on for too long, readers often give up, go back to Google, and search for something shorter.

I see so many web sites with long, wordy copy. It makes me sad. People are just not going to read it. I see three exceptions to this rule:

  1. Blogs. If someone is reading your blog, chances are good that they enjoy your writing and will read all of it (or nearly all). This gives you license to be more verbose. It’s also why many great blogs are later turned into books.

    Despite what I just said, a blog is still on the web. If a blog entry carries on for screens and screens and screens, even your fans may surf on to something else. The more scrolling you force your readers to do, the more likely they will stop reading and move on.

  2. “About Us,” “Company History,” and similar pages. I’m talking about pages whose express purpose is to provide copious details that a user has specifically requested (by clicking the link). Even here, it’s wise not to go into too much detail. Save the long version for the annual report or the printed brochure.

  3. Tutorials. I have learned a lot from online instruction manuals, from recipes to Photoshop tutorials. As with “About Us” pages, their purpose is to provide abundant detail when there’s an excellent chance the reader actually does want to sit and read it all.

But even these three types of writing can be made more web-friendly. For tips, read on.

How Do I Keep It Short and Sweet?

Several basic tools can make web copy more readable:

  • Boldface subheads. When a reader is scanning down a page, it should be as easy as possible for them to spot the parts they want to read. To that end, boldface subheads are gold.

    I’m not saying you should precede every single paragraph with a subhead. But I wouldn’t go longer than three or four paragraphs without one, unless it can’t be avoided.

    Blog entries might be an exception, depending on the blog. If you write the kind of narrative blog that reads like a short story, subheads may not make sense.

  • Short, concise copy. Generally, the web is not a place to be verbose. After you write a web page, go back over it and see where your copy can be tightened up. Long paragraph? Break it up into two paragraphs. Long sentence? Break it up into two sentences. Long phrase? See if there’s a shorter way to say it.

  • Short paragraphs. I cannot emphasize this enough. When someone skims a page, they do not read whole paragraphs. The shorter a paragraph is, the more likely it will be read.

    Think of it as a challenge for your writing skills. How concise CAN you be, when held to the fire? Got a piece of text that you think is nice and short? CAN YOU MAKE IT EVEN SHORTER and still get all your points across? I think you can.

  • Inverted pyramid style. Journalists know this one. The meat and potatoes of the story should come first. Less-important details should be near the bottom. This applies to each paragraph as well as to entire articles.

    This is very important on the web. When a reader skims a page, they only see the first line or sentence in a paragraph. That sentence had better contain some meaty information, or else the paragraph is likely to be skipped over.

    The phrase “inverted pyramid style” is a visual representation of how the copy should be structured. Picture a pyramid upside down so that the wide part is at the top and the narrow part at the bottom.

  • Bullets. I love bulleted and numbered lists for the web. Why? Bullets make it very easy for a reader to scan and still absorb a lot of information. Make the first part of the bullet boldface, of course.

    Now that I’ve written web copy for a while now, my thought process incorporates this automatically. “How can I break up this long copy into bullets?” “This seems like ordered instructions; should I make it a numbered list?”

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Favorite Author Shout Out: Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams is one of those authors that I keep going back to. I think I first read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series when I was about 13, and the Dirk Gently books shortly thereafter. I’ve reread them all several times, including this past month. They have amazing staying power.

You may have heard Adams described as a science fiction author. But I think his true gift was for comedy. Adams was blessed with a slightly askew brain that came up with memorably wacky ideas. Sort of like Roald Dahl for grown-ups.

Adams rocks for three basic reasons:

  • Hilarious turns of phrase (the kind that make you bust out laughing so that everyone stares at you),
  • A wicked gift for simile and metaphor, and
  • Sheer creative genius.


Unlike my previous Favorite Author Shout Out, Emily Giffin, Adams would never win any awards for in-depth characterization. Don’t get me wrong, his characters are memorable. Who could forget Zaphod Beeblebrox, the egomaniacal two-headed President of the Galaxy? The oh-so-English Everyman, Arthur Dent? And Marvin, the depressed robot?

But Adams’ characters are more like the characters in Star Wars. Unique, unforgettable, but fairly one-dimensional. Which is fine (in both cases), because it works for the stories.

Mad Skills

Maybe it’s because I first read Adams’ books at an impressionable age. Maybe it’s because I know how deeply his fans’ loyalty runs (in high school I belonged to a bulletin board on the Prodigy internet service, devoted entirely to Adams and his fans).

But there’s something about Adams’ books that transcends mundane stuff like genre and plot and character and setting. Something that makes you look at the world sideways and feel enlightened by the perspective. Something that grabs you and talks philosophy with you all night long until you reach that dazzling mental place where your brain is on fire with ideas.

His books are not just cult classics. They’re classics.

Here are some highlights from Adams’ books. Fans will recognize them, and for those who are not yet fans, I hope they make you smile and want to read more.

From The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

“Ford,” said Arthur.


“What’s this fish doing in my ear?”

“It’s translating for you. It’s a Babel fish. Look it up in the book if you like.”

… “The Babel fish,” said the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy quietly, “is small, yellow and leechlike, and probably the oddest thing in the Universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centers of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language.

“Now it is such a bizarrely improbably coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the nonexistence of God.

“The argument goes something like this: ‘I refuse to prove that I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’

“ ‘But,’ says Man, ‘the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don’t. QED.’

“ ‘Oh dear,’ says God, ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

“ ‘Oh, that was easy,’ says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.”

From Life, the Universe, and Everything

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has this to say on the subject of flying.

There is an art, it says, or rather, a knack to flying.

The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


…Zaphod heard the “Whop” sound, and it made him very nervous.

He leaned tensely against the wall and frowned like a man trying to unbend a corkscrew by telekinesis. He laid his fingertips against the well and felt an unusual vibration. And now he could quite clearly hear slight noises, and could hear where they were coming from –they were coming from the bridge.

He inched his way up the corridor as if he would rather be yarding his way down it, which was true.


There was a sound he couldn’t immediately identify, partly because he didn’t know the tune “I Left My Leg in Jaglan Beta” and partly because the band playing it was very tired, and some members of it were playing in three-four time, some in four-four, and some in a kind of pie-eyed pi-r-squared, each according to the amount of sleep he’d managed to grab recently.


Prak nodded sympathetically, and Arthur relaxed a little.

“It’s… well, it’s a long story,” he said, “but the question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. All we know about it is that the answer is Forty-Two, which is a little aggravating.”

Prak nodded again.

“Forty-two,” he said, “yes, that’s right.”

He paused. Shadows of thought and memory crossed his face like the shadows of clouds crossing the land.

“I’m afraid,” he said at last, “that the Question and the Answer are mutually exclusive. Knowledge of one logically precludes knowledge of the other. It is impossible that both can ever be known about the same Universe.”

He paused again. Disappointment crept into Arthur’s face and snuggled down into its accustomed place.

“Except,” said Prak, struggling to sort a thought out, “if it happened, it seems that the Question and the Answer would just cancel each other out, and take the Universe with them, which would then be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable. It is possible that his has already happened,” he added…

From So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

As he drove on, the rain clouds dragged down the sky after him for, though he did not know it, Rob McKenna was a Rain God. All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays. All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him, to cherish him and to water him.


The storm had now definitely abated, and what thunder there was now grumbled over more distant hills, like a man saying, “And another thing…” twenty minutes after admitting he’d lost the argument.


(From the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’s entry about the Earth)

Tips for aliens in New York:

Land anywhere, Central Park, anywhere. No one will care or indeed even notice.

Surviving: Get a job as a cabdriver immediately. A cabdriver’s job is to drive people anywhere they want to go in big yellow machines called taxis. Don’t worry if you don’t know how the machine works and you can’t speak the language, and have large green antennae growing out of your head. Believe me, this is the best way of staying inconspicuous.

If your body is really weird, try showing it to people in the streets for money.


The night was uneasy with rain. The rain clouds themselves had now moved on, but the sky through which they had passed had been disturbed by them and now wore a damply ruffled air, as if it didn’t know what else it might not do if further provoked.

The moon was out in a watery way. It looked like a ball of paper from the back pocket of jeans that have just come out of the washing machine, which only time and ironing would tell if it was an old shopping list or a five-pound note.

The wind flicked about a little, like the tail of a horse that’s trying to decide what sort of mood it’s in tonight, and a bell somewhere chimed midnight.


He phoned the BBC and asked to be put through to his department head.

“Oh, hello. Arthur Dent here. Look, sorry I haven’t been in for six months but I’ve gone mad.”

“Oh, not to worry. Thought it was probably something like that. Happens here all the time. How soon can we expect you?”

“When do hedgehogs start hibernating?”

“Sometime in spring, I think.”

“I’ll be in shortly after that.”



Arthur… narrowly avoided being run down by McKenna’s All-Weather Haulage, and watched in horror as it ran down Fenny’s umbrella instead. The lorry swept along the motorway and away.

The umbrella lay like a recently swatted daddy longlegs, expiring sadly on the ground. Tiny gusts of wind made it twitch a little.


“I wonder if you’d like to buy some tickets for our raffle? It’s just a little one.”

He was being leaned over by a rather stiffly slim, middle-aged woman with a prim knitted suit and a prim little perm, and a prim little smile that probably got licked by prim little dogs a lot.